Our Unity Has the
Power to Make a Radical Change
Although Judge John Tomasello
flatly refused to issue a restraining order to protect Mischele Lewis, the alleged victim
of 2nd degree sexual assault by coercion, his decision was rendered to
the trash heap where it belonged a mere fifteen days later.
As a result of the media exposure from my article on this issue, I was contacted by Michelle Noberto, the outraged mother of a prior sexual assault victim. ”Nicoles Law”, named for her daughter, which makes restraining orders automatic in sexual assault cases, had been grossly overlooked. Ms. Noberto immediately rolled up her sleeves and demanded that the Prosecutor in Burlington County issue a “Nicole’s Law” restraining order forthwith. On June 20th, only 15 days subsequent to Tomasello’s irresponsible ruling, Mischele Lewis was informed that she has a temporary order to protect herself and her family that had been issued back in April. No one in the district Attorney's office had bothered to let her know. And Judge Tomasello had failed to recognize her rights as well. If William Allen Jordan is convicted of the sexual assault charge, the temporary “Nicole’s Law” order will become permanent.
As a result of the media exposure from my article on this issue, I was contacted by Michelle Noberto, the outraged mother of a prior sexual assault victim. ”Nicoles Law”, named for her daughter, which makes restraining orders automatic in sexual assault cases, had been grossly overlooked. Ms. Noberto immediately rolled up her sleeves and demanded that the Prosecutor in Burlington County issue a “Nicole’s Law” restraining order forthwith. On June 20th, only 15 days subsequent to Tomasello’s irresponsible ruling, Mischele Lewis was informed that she has a temporary order to protect herself and her family that had been issued back in April. No one in the district Attorney's office had bothered to let her know. And Judge Tomasello had failed to recognize her rights as well. If William Allen Jordan is convicted of the sexual assault charge, the temporary “Nicole’s Law” order will become permanent.
Victims of rape by fraud exist throughout
the US, and throughout the world. By coming together to support each other and
call out for protections and justice in a public way, we can, and are making a