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Psychopaths and Rape by Fraud- WILLIAM ALLEN JORDAN Bailed Out!
Jordan was accused of telling lies of identity such as age, education, marital background, employment and more to seduce his victim. But the Grand Jury failed to indict and Jordan's been released to prey on new victims. Society needs to recognize.... DUPLICITY INVALIDATES CONSENT!
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Monday, September 15, 2014
BETRAYAL BOND PHENOMENON Did the Rice's marry for love or something else?
Ray Rice was charged with 3rd degree Aggravated Assault against his fiancee, Janay Palmer, on May 27th. According to Jim McClain, Atlantic City Prosecutor, first offense cases of this nature would rarely result in jail time in Atlantic County, NJ, where the offense took place, but it could result in a criminal record. It was likely that Rice, a star NFL player for the Ravens, would have been placed on probation. Ray Rice and Janay married the following day, and Janay declined to press charges.
The new Mrs. Rice's behavior resembles so many victims of domestic assault and abuse in which the offender charms the victim with promises of rehabilitation and pledges their sincere and undying love and fidelity. While others standby and scratch their heads incredulously, thinking, "Can't she see she's being conned by someone who can't control their aggression?" the victim may be blinded by a Betrayal Bond.
Betrayal Bonds are like toxic glue in the brain. Assault is a form of betrayal which triggers an immediate trauma to the condition of being "loved" by the offender. Domestic violence upsets the normal flow of oxytocin, the brain's "love" molecule as well as creating a surge of adrenaline. A marriage conducted subsequent to such trauma could be taking place while the victim is undergoing an adrenaline related "mis-attribution affect."
Couples often feel the result of mis-attribution by experiencing exhilaration-producing circumstances together, such as riding roller coasters, parachuting, or engaging in activities where there's an element of danger. They will often walk away from the activity holding hands or with their arms around each other. How many romantic relationships have been sparked by the county fair?
Betrayal bonds are a heightened sense of attachment that lie in the inner recesses of a person's unconscious brain. While they motivate conscious behavior, they lay completely obscured from view by the victim. Often it takes considerable negative interaction with the perpetrator for the victim to come to grips with reality and break free. Some, like Reeva Steenkamp, the victim of Oscar Pistorius's violent shooting, don't live long enough to walk away.
Those of us who survived the betrayals of disordered loved ones, and either walked away or were discarded by them, are the lucky ones. Although the pain of separation seemed unendurable at the time, and our losses seemed unfathomable, we were freed from the betrayal bond to live our lives in reality, and hopefully, in peace.
The new Mrs. Rice's behavior resembles so many victims of domestic assault and abuse in which the offender charms the victim with promises of rehabilitation and pledges their sincere and undying love and fidelity. While others standby and scratch their heads incredulously, thinking, "Can't she see she's being conned by someone who can't control their aggression?" the victim may be blinded by a Betrayal Bond.
Betrayal Bonds are like toxic glue in the brain. Assault is a form of betrayal which triggers an immediate trauma to the condition of being "loved" by the offender. Domestic violence upsets the normal flow of oxytocin, the brain's "love" molecule as well as creating a surge of adrenaline. A marriage conducted subsequent to such trauma could be taking place while the victim is undergoing an adrenaline related "mis-attribution affect."
Couples often feel the result of mis-attribution by experiencing exhilaration-producing circumstances together, such as riding roller coasters, parachuting, or engaging in activities where there's an element of danger. They will often walk away from the activity holding hands or with their arms around each other. How many romantic relationships have been sparked by the county fair?
Betrayal bonds are a heightened sense of attachment that lie in the inner recesses of a person's unconscious brain. While they motivate conscious behavior, they lay completely obscured from view by the victim. Often it takes considerable negative interaction with the perpetrator for the victim to come to grips with reality and break free. Some, like Reeva Steenkamp, the victim of Oscar Pistorius's violent shooting, don't live long enough to walk away.
Those of us who survived the betrayals of disordered loved ones, and either walked away or were discarded by them, are the lucky ones. Although the pain of separation seemed unendurable at the time, and our losses seemed unfathomable, we were freed from the betrayal bond to live our lives in reality, and hopefully, in peace.
Friday, September 12, 2014
Two current cases of abuse- Are they the results of psychopathy?
I watched the final decision on the case against Oscar Pistorius at the ungodly hour of 3:30 this morning. The trial took place in South Africa, so I found my eyes closing and my head bobbing as I struggled to be awake enough to deal with the timezone difference between Capetown and NYC. To me, this case's importance was just too relevant to miss!
The Judge, Thokozile Matilda Masipa, had already decided Pistorius was not guilty of the two most serious murder offenses he was charged with. There's no jury trial for murder in South Africa. It's all up to the Judge and her two advisers. Her determination was based on intent, one of the most difficult characteristics to prove in a crime. Doing so requires getting into the mindset of the offender, something that no one can accomplish with exact certainty.
But surely, the story from Pistorius was riddled with unbelievability. For one thing, he claimed he thought he was shooting at an intruder who hid behind the closed bathroom door. If he truly felt an intruder was there, he would have turned to the person lying next to him in bed to say something like, "Did you hear that?" The brief encounter, that would be normal for any reasonable person, would have made him notice that Reeva was not tucked in beside him, and would have caused him to consider whether the noise was from Reeva, herself, rather than an intruder.
A reasonable person would have thought first about what action would protect his loved one. Instead, he wants us to believe that his lack of consideration for her unknown whereabouts, before he fired into a closed door, was an effort to create protection for them both.
Fifteen years is the maximum sentence he could receive for the reckless endangerment that the court acknowledged cost Reeva her life. Can't think of a solitary reason why Pistorius should receive any less than the maximum sentence.
Fifteen years is the maximum sentence he could receive for the reckless endangerment that the court acknowledged cost Reeva her life. Can't think of a solitary reason why Pistorius should receive any less than the maximum sentence.
And why shoot without warning? Why four bullets through a closed door? Wouldn't the evident moaning of a female voice have caused him some concern? Did he really expect his home invader was female?
Court cases hinge on proof, not accuracy or even truth. Although we can contemplate that what likely happened was a contentious argument in which Reeva threatened to leave, common sense would suggest that Pistorius became so enraged, he picked up the gun and showed her that she could only leave on his power-crazed terms. The Judge found that the Prosecutor's case was simply not compelling enough which does not mean the events did not unfold the way logic dictates; but simply that proof was insufficient.
We all know that world class athletes produce world class testosterone levels. It's what propels them into soaring achievements and bolsters their competitive drive. According to Dr. Paul Zak in his book, The Moral Molecule, heightened testosterone can also have the deleterious affect of counteracting the level of oxytocin, that would provide humanity, love, trust and caring. Not all athletes have this imbalance, but it's not an unusual phenomenon.
Without appropriate oxytocin levels and oxytocin responses, a person develops without affective empathy and conscience. Those of us who have fallen victim to psychopaths all know the impact of lack of conscience. Reeva Steenkamp paid the ultimate price for not knowing.
Janay Rice, the wife of Ravens football star, Ray Rice, was knocked out cold by a fist in the face from her husband, who proceeded to callously drag her limp, unconscious body from the hotel elevator where the incident took place. Instead of being overwhelmed with remorse when he saw her go down, dropping to the floor alongside her with concern, gathering her in his arms and hollering for help, he expects us to think that callously and calmly dragging her out of the elevator was a more appropriate response.
Rice has been fired from the Ravens, and the media is full of debate as to whether or not losing one's job over a domestic violence issue is an appropriate consequence. Many say that if Rice were an Accountant or held a job that didn't put him on the world stage, he would still be employed. But isn't that the point of being on the world stage? Doesn't his hefty pay-check and notoriety carry some public responsibility with it? Do we want our children's morality compromised by ignoring publicly distributed footage of outright domestic abuse from a role model?
Does Janay's subsequent denial that things are woefully wrong in their household smack of a "Betrayal Bond?" Weren't all survivors of psychopathic abuse once at the point where they justified heinous acts by loved ones in order to attempt to salvage being "loved" by them? Let's hope Janay's avoidance does not provoke another Reeva Steenkamp-like incident from a testosterone laced, world class athlete, who can't keep his rage in check.
Friday, July 4, 2014
Redefining Rape: Sexual Penetration Without "Knowing Consent"
In addition to sexual sanctity defined as "the right to contraception," society needs to address the criminal concept of rape or sexual assault, today's more politically correct term. Either could be defined as penetration without knowing consent, rather than the complicated constructs in penal code. Lack of continuity from state to state, alone, indicates that there's a gross failure to establish appropriate conduct in society.
Duplicity invalidates consent in all human interaction. Criminal code penalizes the use of duplicity in depriving a victim of their worldly goods, but in most states, depriving them of their self determination regarding sexual penetration is not dealt with. The line of demarcation between seduction and rape is VALID consent, yet punishing offenders is all too rare.
Whether by use of dope, alcohol, physical overpowering, preying on underage victims, or preying on people who are mentally deficient, all forms of criminally penalized rape lack knowing consent. Why then does "rape by fraud," which lacks knowing consent, get penalized in only a handful of states? Is it because our legislators want to preserve their ability to seduce people by lying or distorting? Is it because the many voters who used ploys to circumvent a victim's consent are so numerous they could diminish the chances of re-election?
Even Socrates was aware of the harm in rape by fraud: "Then again, the fact that he uses not force but persuasion makes him most detestable because a lover who forces himself is a villain, but one who uses persuasion ruins the character of the one who consents."
Hats off to Dateline for covering a recent case of rape by fraud in New Jersey, in which charges were brought against William Allen Jordan, a convicted bigamist and child molester. Society needs awareness of this defiling behavior in real life situations, not only in comedies like "Think Like a Man" or the drama of "Mad Men." Both depict cases of rape by fraud.
The blame for rape by fraud is commonly laid at the feet of the victim for being "gullible" rather than the offender for preying on people who simply, like all of humanity, want to be loved. Being gullible is not a crime. Raping someone is. The offender knows they are conducting duplicity. The awareness or lack of it, by the victim, does not entitle the offender to take what is not rightfully theirs, as in every other case of criminally penalized fraud.
Duplicity invalidates consent in all human interaction. Criminal code penalizes the use of duplicity in depriving a victim of their worldly goods, but in most states, depriving them of their self determination regarding sexual penetration is not dealt with. The line of demarcation between seduction and rape is VALID consent, yet punishing offenders is all too rare.
Whether by use of dope, alcohol, physical overpowering, preying on underage victims, or preying on people who are mentally deficient, all forms of criminally penalized rape lack knowing consent. Why then does "rape by fraud," which lacks knowing consent, get penalized in only a handful of states? Is it because our legislators want to preserve their ability to seduce people by lying or distorting? Is it because the many voters who used ploys to circumvent a victim's consent are so numerous they could diminish the chances of re-election?
Even Socrates was aware of the harm in rape by fraud: "Then again, the fact that he uses not force but persuasion makes him most detestable because a lover who forces himself is a villain, but one who uses persuasion ruins the character of the one who consents."
Hats off to Dateline for covering a recent case of rape by fraud in New Jersey, in which charges were brought against William Allen Jordan, a convicted bigamist and child molester. Society needs awareness of this defiling behavior in real life situations, not only in comedies like "Think Like a Man" or the drama of "Mad Men." Both depict cases of rape by fraud.
The blame for rape by fraud is commonly laid at the feet of the victim for being "gullible" rather than the offender for preying on people who simply, like all of humanity, want to be loved. Being gullible is not a crime. Raping someone is. The offender knows they are conducting duplicity. The awareness or lack of it, by the victim, does not entitle the offender to take what is not rightfully theirs, as in every other case of criminally penalized fraud.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Our Unity Has the
Power to Make a Radical Change
Although Judge John Tomasello
flatly refused to issue a restraining order to protect Mischele Lewis, the alleged victim
of 2nd degree sexual assault by coercion, his decision was rendered to
the trash heap where it belonged a mere fifteen days later.
As a result of the media exposure from my article on this issue, I was contacted by Michelle Noberto, the outraged mother of a prior sexual assault victim. ”Nicoles Law”, named for her daughter, which makes restraining orders automatic in sexual assault cases, had been grossly overlooked. Ms. Noberto immediately rolled up her sleeves and demanded that the Prosecutor in Burlington County issue a “Nicole’s Law” restraining order forthwith. On June 20th, only 15 days subsequent to Tomasello’s irresponsible ruling, Mischele Lewis was informed that she has a temporary order to protect herself and her family that had been issued back in April. No one in the district Attorney's office had bothered to let her know. And Judge Tomasello had failed to recognize her rights as well. If William Allen Jordan is convicted of the sexual assault charge, the temporary “Nicole’s Law” order will become permanent.
As a result of the media exposure from my article on this issue, I was contacted by Michelle Noberto, the outraged mother of a prior sexual assault victim. ”Nicoles Law”, named for her daughter, which makes restraining orders automatic in sexual assault cases, had been grossly overlooked. Ms. Noberto immediately rolled up her sleeves and demanded that the Prosecutor in Burlington County issue a “Nicole’s Law” restraining order forthwith. On June 20th, only 15 days subsequent to Tomasello’s irresponsible ruling, Mischele Lewis was informed that she has a temporary order to protect herself and her family that had been issued back in April. No one in the district Attorney's office had bothered to let her know. And Judge Tomasello had failed to recognize her rights as well. If William Allen Jordan is convicted of the sexual assault charge, the temporary “Nicole’s Law” order will become permanent.
Victims of rape by fraud exist throughout
the US, and throughout the world. By coming together to support each other and
call out for protections and justice in a public way, we can, and are making a
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Judge in William Allen Jordan Case Hurls Victim's Rights Back to the Stone Ages
6/5/14- Burlington County
NJ- Although New Jersey revamped their sexual assault laws in 2012, today, Family
Court Judge John Tomasello proved those changes could be easily undermined by a
judge who’s a misogynist dinosaur.
Lewis's Case Against Jordan
Burlington County resident,
Mishcelle Lewis, had petitioned the court for a restraining order against
convicted bigamist and child molester, William Allen Jordan. Jordan currently
awaits trial on charges of 2nd Degree Sexual Assault by Coercion,
Robbery by Fraud and Impersonating an Officer. He is currently housed in a
special protective section of the Burlington County jail designated for sexual
predators. His case history includes failure to register as a sex offender.
Jordan Gets Escorted Back to His Cell |
![]() |
Mischele and I outside the courthouse |
Lewis was represented by
Stanley Gregory, who minced no words laying out the facts. Lewis met Jordan in
January, 2013 on a dating website. They corresponded, met several times and
began a sexual relationship on April 26, 2013. He lied about his name, his age,
his marital history, claimed to be adopted, educated in the UK, had no
children, owned a house worth $700K, worked for the British Ministry of
Defense, and a myriad of other facts. Nothing was the truth. He failed to
disclose that he was a convicted child molester and bigamist. He defrauded Ms.
Lewis of approximately $4,000. Lewis was clear that she would not have had
sexual intercourse with Jordan if she had known the facts. She also indicated
that she made an attempt to secure information on Google, but nothing came up
until she ultimately learned his accurate name.
Although the bail in Jordan’s
criminal case contains a “no contact” provision, Ms. Lewis wanted the added
insurance that a perpetual restraining order would provide to her and her
children. She was concerned about the possibility of future contact by a child
molester who should have been prohibited from establishing initial contact under
Megan’s Law. The British authorities deported Jordan from the UK after he
served his sentence, but no notice made its way to Megan’s List.
The attorney representing
Jordan, Karen Thek, stated early on that Jordan would invoke his fifth
amendment rights and not testify. So the hearing was brief with only the claims
of Ms. Lewis before the judge.
Judge Condemns the Victim
Although New Jersey law
states clearly that the behavior of the accused is on trial, not the behavior
of the victim, Judge Tomasello turned the proceedings into a condemnation of
Lewis’s behavior, faulting her for a “deficiency in gullibility” because she “relied
on his representations,” as if fraud was not a serious crime. He even made
light of her predicament by saying “every college student would go to jail” if
he upheld her claim, and he failed to acknowledge the specific section of law which
Gregory quoted. Although Jordan had concealed convictions for bigamy and sexual
molestation of a minor, Tomasello harped on his not being “wealthy” or having a
“nice car” as not being worthy of the protection Lewis sought. She had made no reference
whatsoever to Jordan’s wealth or his possession of an automobile. In fact, she
later indicated that he had no car during portions of their relationship.
Sex As an Entitlement
Judge Tomasello revealed
much about his own personal beliefs in what he said today. He obviously feels, like
so many others, that sex by deception by frat boys is perfectly okay. So much
so that he’d deliberately fail to protect a woman with children from further
contact by a sex offender in order to enable sex as an entitlement and a commodity behavior. How can society hope
to stop this abhorrent mindset if our judges can’t be counted on to protect a
victim’s right to self determination over their intimate sexual sanctity?
Misogyny Kills
This same mindset is thought
to have motivated Elliot Rodger into unspeakable carnage recently in Santa Barbara
CA, where 6 innocent victims were killed and 8 more were injured because he was
unable to obtain the sexual relations he felt entitled to. Yes, he was emotionally disturbed. Yes, he
should not have had access to the weapons that enabled his rampage. But sex as
an entitlement is rampart in our society, and Judge Tomasello just demonstrated
Surely, our Judges should
concern themselves with protection against defrauding people of sex. Knowing consent is at the heart of all
valid and legal interaction in all other interpersonal relationships. Why does
a judge turn a deaf ear toward the deliberate undermining of knowing consent when a person’s sexual
sanctity is compromised, particularly in an enlightened state where affirmative permission must be granted
for sexual intercourse to be legal, and no affirmative
permission can exist without the presence of knowing consent.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
William Allen Jordan, Accused CAD, Locked Up in NJ!
New Jersey women can sleep easier tonight knowing that Florence police stepped forward to protect their sexual sanctity. William Allen Jordan, a convicted pedophile and bigamist, was handcuffed and detained for, among other crimes, "sexual assault by coercion."
Jordan, also known as William Allen, Liam Allen, and Will Jordan is the subject of the book, "The Bigamist, The True Story of a Husband's Ultimate Betrayal," by Mary Turner Thomson.
The victim, who was present during the NJ arrest, commented that Jordan "hardly showed emotion" as officers led him to their squad car. Once she uncovered his con, and understood the harm he'd dealt her throughout several months of fraud, she bravely became bait to set up his arrest.
Jordan, who served time for molesting the 13 year old daughter of a former "love interest," allegedly created a hoax to ensnare this mother of a 13 year old girl into a sexual relationship. She got wise to him, but not before he allegedly conned her out of several thousands of dollars.
Additional information available on LoveFraud.
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